Edinburg Castle

Seated on the core of an extinct volcano, Edinburgh Castle is one of the magnificent tourist attractions of Scotland. It attracts millions of visitors every year with its stunning view of the countryside. The historic Castle was once the seat (and regular refuge) of Scottish Kings. The Castle offers a splendid panoramic view of the city and the topography of the countryside. One of the oldest buildings in Edinburgh, St. Margaret's Chapel, built in 1076, is found inside the Edinburgh castle. This tiny Norman building has survived many sieges and bombardments that the castle has been subjected to. Owing to its religious significance, the Chapel survived the attacks of several demolishers.

Edinburgh Castle houses the Great Hall, which offers an interesting collection of weapons and armors. Mary, Queen of Scots gave birth to her son in a tiny room of the hall. He went on to become King James VI of Scotland and James 1 of England upon the death of Queen Elizabeth in 1603. The castle also houses the Crown, the Sceptre and the Sword of State in honour of ancient Scotland. You can also see the infamous 'Stone of Destiny' placed in the crown room.

The Scottish National War Memorial, designed by Lorimer, built shortly after World War One is another highlight. Edinburgh Castle is also the home of the One O'clock Gun. This is fired every day except Sunday at precisely 1pm - a reminder to break for lunch. The Castle Esplanade is the venue of the world-famous Edinburgh Military Tattoo that stretches over a three-week period in August each year. Don't forget to look into the Witches' well before you leave the esplanade. This is the spot where many women held to be guilty of witchcraft were put to death at the stake.

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